Trent gives 3 tips to take your fantasy football Draft to the next level.
From bbq, tabletop nachos, to trophy recommendations. Available wherever you listen to podcasts.
1. Tabletop nachos, roll out the tin foil, with hot Cheetos, sour cream, ground beef. The sky is the limit.
2. Perpetual Trophy, show off your history.
3. Championship speeches, everyone loves a good speech.
If you’re looking for Fantasy Football insights, The Dudes got you covered. Each week we review Fantasy Football stats, lines-ups, who is looking hot for the next week, and weekly social roundups. For the sake of your Fantasy Football group message, listen to The Dudes. Whether you’re the new guy or the salty veteran the dudes will up your fantasy game all season long. A podcast for the dudes, made by the dudes.
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