Sept. 21, 2023

Week 3 Starts & Sits TNF Preview

Welcome back to The Dudes: Trent, Seth, Jordan, and Phill, as they kick off Week 3 of NFL action. They leave no game unturned, from the Thursday night clash featuring the 49ers to the showdown on Monday night between the Steelers and the Raiders.
Join them as they go through each game, offering their insights on the standout fantasy football starts and sits of the week and their chosen game predictions.
Stick around for the conclusion as The Dudes wrap up the show with an Underdog snake draft.
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Speaker 1:

This is the fantasy football dudes podcast.

Speaker 4:

What is up, my dudes? This is Trent with the fantasy football dudes podcast. I am joined by Seth Jordan and Phil. We are going to preview week three. Make our picks, have our starts, have our sits, have some football fun. And I guess you could say is that what you would say, phil?

Speaker 5:

I sure. Yeah, we can call it that football fun. Yeah, let's do it. I'm excited for this pod. This is our second pod doing it virtually in this season. I feel like hopefully you can hear me a little bit better. Last week it sounded like I was underneath the water and using a snorkel to talk through as a mic, so hopefully we'll get some. We'll get some better audio. Jordan, I will say we have one of I will call him one of Seth's good friends and acquaintance of mine and Trent although he is our friend who was chirping at us a little bit, jordan, over the take that I had about a lot of people not watching Colorado, colorado State this weekend. Like he was like basically said the stats were in your favor and he was kind of like trying to give us the business, which I don't agree with. But I wanted to hear if you had any closing arguments that you wanted to go over.

Speaker 3:

How are the stats not in my favor?

Speaker 5:

What do you mean? Why would you?

Speaker 4:

bring this up again, Phil.

Speaker 5:

I just I bring it up mostly because I just I think that this is the thing. It's a sum of the people watched at the time. The numbers fall off an absolute cliff, like yes, it was the highest watch, like the third highest watch game ever.

Speaker 3:

Where does it say some Phil? It never says anywhere, you assume some. Yeah, it says.

Speaker 5:

I'm not. After all these years of the media and all the changes, I can't just believe word for word everything I see online. Jordan.

Speaker 1:

That's something that I think as you grow older you will read through that.

Speaker 3:

You are the media assuming things. That's what the media does they assume things that aren't there, let me read with a twist. It falls off a cliff. Ask me a question.

Speaker 5:

Can I give you an answer?

Speaker 4:

As long as it matches my narrative. You know it's pumpkin spice season. I had a pumpkin spice. I was excited to talk about it. Phil goes into an old argument. That's a take 20 more minutes, that's really going to get nowhere but go right in.

Speaker 2:

I feel like shouting at a wall and expecting the wall to talk back. That's like that's Phil's normal interaction.

Speaker 5:

Well, I do that basically every single week with these three yahoos that I'm talking to right now.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead, Jordan says the game registered 9.3 million viewers and was the fifth most watched college football game on record. It had a peak viewership of 11.1 million. So, by your logic, all it did was drop off 2 million from 11 to 9.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, people probably DVR it. That's what it's counting.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter, people watched it. No one DVR it. No, no one DVR that. I used to talk to. How many people in the next day? No one's watching. Colorado, colorado State.

Speaker 5:

No, they are the numbers, you just said it 9 million people Not on DVR. All right, let's hear about your thoughts. I love to pull that up. You know what I mean.

Speaker 4:

I figured out like all that stuff, all that jazz, but yeah, I was not ready to go there with that Phil. Like I had PSL I was all excited to talk about, and Phil goes back and do an old argument that, like really is nothing, like I don't want to text about it anymore. I'm convinced, phil's convinced, jordan's convinced, seth's convinced, but Phil wants to bring it up because I don't know why. I really don't know why. I do think it is one of those things where like half the people think we're right and the other half think Jordan's right, phil, like, because I was getting tagged in both things.

Speaker 5:

But so let me hear about your pumpkin spice. I don't want to talk about called choc ball anymore. Let me hear about your pumpkin spice. I saw you sent a photo to us and I was like without any context so I didn't know if someone had your phone and take a photo, because I have my kids have done that before.

Speaker 4:

So it was me, it was me, it was me, it was good. I also had an in out burger, the. I did the flying Dutchman grilled onion wrap. You guys should try that. It's really good. If you like grilled onions, I would recommend no bread, no bread no bread, grilled onion wrapped yeah, really good. But it's week three and we need to get into some football. Okay, go check this thing out.

Speaker 5:

So that hasn't got to say much. Seth, would you like to? I saw you set today while both of our families were doing a walk. You had some ice cream. It looked like.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. So I was walking and then Trent send that picture of his pumpkin spice latte and it made me puke my water in my mouth because I'm like I can't stand a man who drinks a pumpkin spice latte. It's like you couldn't get any less manly. It's kind of sad actually. So I decided to go over there to make fun of him. And he's with his kids, and so I couldn't make fun of him in front of his kids because I'd make Trent look like more of an idiot than he is.

Speaker 5:

You know, so you can't besides just cute, you know so yeah, you couldn't do a worse job, I'll be honest, it's all Trent like five minutes before.

Speaker 3:

he doesn't know that I saw him. We're at the gym.

Speaker 5:

That's creepy.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I was like, oh, trent must be going to Fugazis or something, go eat dinner. And five minutes later I get a picture of I didn't know what it was. I just rise, trent, sending me this. But yeah, it was a pumpkin spice latte. So I thought you're going for a nice dinner, trent. You wouldn't got a early drink.

Speaker 4:

I wish, but my wife was getting her hair cut and my daughter was getting her hair cut, so I was kind of on baby sitting duty and then we had to go from there to take my wife's car to the shop in Hanford and that's how I went from pumpkin spice in out burger on a matter of two hours. So what a thrill, what a time to be alive that sounds like a stomach ache.

Speaker 5:

That's not like a pumpkin spice latte followed by a grilled onion burger.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, it's not even a grilled onion burger where it's. A flying Dutchman like Trent got a four layered burger.

Speaker 5:

Oh Trent check it out.

Speaker 2:

He probably dip it in the latte and he's like, oh no, catch up, nasty.

Speaker 5:

I'll post a pic. Psb pumpkin spice burger yeah.

Speaker 4:

I will post a pic. Guys, Remember to check us out on YouTube at TFF dudes. Give us a like, give us a subscribe really helps us out. We got this whole show on YouTube Looks really good. We got some really good feedback on last week's show. So please just keep supporting us on YouTube, giving us a thumbs up. If you have a comment, leave a comment. We'll get back to your question. If you have a question, we will answer it there. And remember, whether you love the people in your life or you hate them, you should tell them about the dudes. We bring people together. The greatest compliment you can give your our, do your dudes is to share us with a friend. Remember, don't be rude, share the dudes. Let's dive in. Actually, before we dive into week three, I did the crazy waiver wire show. Remember I did that? Yep, I remember. I said I was going to do that so I will bring that up. I had a crazy waiver, craziest waiver of the week Most guys were doing. Ford was the hot ticket. And guys, when I post this on Twitter it doesn't mean show me that how much Ford went in your league, like, I'm pretty sure, mostly a lot of leagues he went for 100% fab.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

That was not uncommon. So it's like I have guys saying like, hey, I spent this much fab, I should win. It's like no, you and every other guy in here did the same thing. I'm giving this to at Zek underscore Popovich, a guy in his league, got the Andre Swift or a hundred fab, full fab, and I'm just saying this is the craziest fab because the Andre Swift should not be on your waiver wire.

Speaker 5:

Can I? Can I talk about that league a little bit? Do you know the background? Seth may be in that league. Actually, can I talk about that league?

Speaker 4:

I'd rather you not process under the bus to make his league look dumb. But yeah, go right.

Speaker 3:

You're also like, not supposed to like say that, like you know, we don't want to get like nepotism when we give out awards. You know, I'm not supposed to know the guy who we're giving the awards to.

Speaker 4:

I don't care. I don't care who it is. I want people to expose the stupid people in their league. That's my goal of this. Okay, so can.

Speaker 2:

I can, I can I no, can I expose the rumor that I heard?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, this is the rumor that I heard, not from Seth. I heard it from a different person. Who is who? I am friends with. Who's friends, seth? You know there's a there. So the person who had Swift and I don't even know if this is the person you had with did absolutely nothing. He did absolutely nothing in the first week. He drafted him like in the draft. Swift did absolutely nothing in week one. He dropped him going into week two and that's why he he was like putting a bunch of fab together to try and get him. Is that accurate, seth?

Speaker 4:

Obviously no less than a show.

Speaker 2:

So, yeah, we've, we had a. We had 11 people in this league and we needed a 12th person, and so we decided so this league is is actually a serious league and it's sad because it kind of like exposes our integrity of the league, cause this is very serious. Like we all put in significant like buy-in for this league, so everyone cares. And the guy we added back actually was a previous player in this league before I was in it, and at the time they didn't take it as serious. But now this is a couple of years later. We added him back because he's actually a person willing to do a punishment if he gets last and he's actually in first place, which is kind of funny. But he dropped Swift after his week one performance, on Wednesday, I think before the game, and so I was like, oh man, I got to put in a waiver wire and of course it didn't go through at all through like the next days it it reset it till Wednesday, which was, I guess, this morning.

Speaker 4:

We got to be a free agent for 24 hours, yeah.

Speaker 2:

And when he dropped them, everyone was like you, idiot, what are you doing? You know, like we're just like why would you do that? And basically everyone's like joking, like I'm going to spend $1 and everyone's like I'm going to spend a hundred. And I was like, okay, I put in 60, because I'm like I'm not putting a hundred down for this guy, because what if Gainville just plays the rest of the year, who knows, you know? So I put in 60, two guys put in a hundred and one of them won.

Speaker 5:

So that's um. I just think that's a great story.

Speaker 2:

So let me just say this the integrity of the league is there's 12 people 11 out of 12 have great fantasy football knowledge where they would not drop beyond or so. But it just happened to be the new guy who hasn't played in a couple of years, did not know who this was yeah.

Speaker 5:

So that is Trent, you know. Prayers up for that guy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, Jordan.

Speaker 3:

Is it crazier that I got Jerome Ford for a third of my fab in one league, like, is that crazier than the 100%?

Speaker 4:

fab. I feel like that's the lowest I've seen was in your league that you got him for what? 30, 30 fab.

Speaker 3:

Well, it was 33%. It's a 150 max. I got him for 50. So it's, but it's still a third of my fab. So if you do it like it's a hundred dollar fab, it could be the equivalent of $33. So, like, like, I think that honestly that that league is Monday night waivers so people have less time to process and there's not as much content going out about you because you know everyone looks at waiver content on Tuesdays. Well, yeah, and that's probably why you got it. It's so cheap and I I, I know who Ford is Like, I've been on Ford, like I like Ford, like he went to Cincinnati. He was great since Natti.

Speaker 5:

So yeah, let's clap it up for Jordan on that, let's clap it up.

Speaker 2:

Well, the trouble was is even like if I spent a hundred, if I spent a hundred on Swift, I still wouldn't have gotten him, because the guy they got him was ranked lower than me in the league. We were both one in one but he was lower. I guess I could have went all in on Ford, but I don't know if I was ready to spend 90 like the other guy did. So All right. Well, hey let's get on.

Speaker 4:

Let's get in the week three. Jordan, you have the totals here, so we have our week three preview starts and sits. Go check that out, guys. Give us a thumbs up on YouTube. What are we? How did we do last week, jordan, on our picks on the wind totals?

Speaker 3:

Okay so, trent. I went eight and eight. No-transcript. Seth and Phil both went 10 and 6 and Trent went 11-5. So Trent is our back-to-back winner. He's off to a quick 2-0 lead. Start on all of us. Okay so, trent we're not keeping track of totals this year.

Speaker 4:

I thought it would be better if we just did week by week. You know, then you're-. All of us.

Speaker 2:

Because, I feel like right now.

Speaker 4:

I'm pretty easy to win right now if we do it the same way, right, no?

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm going to do the totals anyways, and just see what that looks like if they match the same winner, not the same winner. Yeah, just to see. Absolutely, absolutely so, phil, what do we?

Speaker 4:

got here with our-.

Speaker 3:

Going forward, trent, should we do a tiebreaker, because there's going to be weeks where people tie with the same amount of-.

Speaker 4:

Should we do? Monday Night Football Scores the tiebreaker. Total points Should do total points in the game. Yeah, that's fine, let's do that. Okay, start us off here.

Speaker 5:

Philly the Kid, Philly the Kid. All right, we're going to Thursday Night Football. We have a Thursday Night Football. We have the one-on-one Giants versus the two-and-oh 49ers. Right now, the current line is 44.5. San Francisco is currently a favorite by 10. No starts or sits in this game. I think some people were kind of like not high on Brada but weren't low on him either. He's. Saquon Barkley is out. We don't have any. Like I said, we don't have starts and sits in this game. Like what, do you guys have anything you want to talk about? Go over Running back situation. Like I said, anything else that you guys are thinking about here.

Speaker 4:

I'm not excited about Daniel Jones in this matchup. I would say Darin Waller maybe is a guy you like. Who do you want to play on the giant side of the ball? Jordan, I think, darin.

Speaker 3:

Waller. I still don't trust. I know Hyatt had a couple of big catches. I know Hyatt had a couple of big catches last week.

Speaker 4:

I still don't trust those receivers yet and then he's getting a lot of, he's getting a lot of, but he's not getting a lot of routes. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Basically he's not playing a lot but he's getting the ball when he's in there. I guess Brita, but I don't love it, but I also didn't love Kyren last week either. But man, I guess Brita is fine, I think. I think Brita is honestly someone I need to look more into. I don't have any Brita shares in season long but like when I start looking at the DFS slate, the showdown slate tomorrow, like I think and like props wise, like I think, like the props and the showdown, like I'll be honest, I don't think I dug into Brita because they want just got announced out today and I had a crazy day and so I didn't really get a chance to look too much into them. So like I'm like TBD on Brita, like what to do with Brita. I know that doesn't really help, but it's just the honest truth.

Speaker 2:

So I think Daniel Jones is going to run a lot.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't mind the Jones Like. His prop, I think, is like 37 and a half rushing yards. Yeah, that's when I've been taking some of those, yeah, and like the design runs like I know, seth, we were texting about you were like an like, asking like who you should start. Was it Baker? Yeah, I'm in a bad spot.

Speaker 2:

I have a, so I waited to take a QB in this league and Daniel Jones was the QB I took. And I know there are some weeks I needed to avoid like Daniel Jones last week won me my matchup, which was great, you know he scored 31 points, but this week he's playing potentially the best defense in the league in the 49ers and so I either have to pick between him, Watson and Mayfield and I'm like and those are all like Watson kind of sucks Mayfield's also playing the Eagles, but it's, you know, like, who knows, maybe the Eagles are exploitable by the past. They were in the first two games.

Speaker 3:

They are I just I question that's games in Philly right, Like I question? Yeah, I question Baker. Like, I feel like we might and we can get to that game later. But like, I just think the moral of the story is like I think you take Jones. I think he has the most rushing upside in this matchup. He's going to, he's going to take off. You just hope that he has to act right, like you just hope that he I'm just hoping, if he has a hundred yards and like a rushing touchdown that life is made.

Speaker 2:

it's not going to happen, but that'd be great, I mean you also?

Speaker 3:

told me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I just I think, like I also told you, I was scared.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think you could get like the 50 yards and a possible like touchdown, but like, even if you get the 50 yards rushing, that's five points. You get 200 yards passing, that's another eight points. Now you're at 13 and you hope he gets like either a touch, some type of touchdown, and you're at 18, 17, 18 and you're okay there, you live with that you know yeah.

Speaker 2:

And I guess Baker may feel like you know he's not going to be able to get to that. Baker may feel could have like a, like you said, the blow up game, and that's the game. You don't want to have him yeah.

Speaker 5:

It won't be this week, though I don't think I have a question. We can get there. We can get there for, yeah, what do you got?

Speaker 3:

So my biggest question in this game is like obviously you're playing CMC IUK injuries a big deal. I think Dbo gets a big bump. You're probably playing anyway but and kiddo gets a big bump. You're playing those guys either way and I'm not really talking season long, I'm talking like prop wise because I'm trying, I'm going to get a play out for the people on this game, on a probably underdogs we haven't, I haven't gave underdog much love lately. But two props for you guys Do we think that they get Elijah Mitchell involved? Because Shanahan talked about Elijah Mitchell and his rushing props at like 27 and a half, 28 and a half. And then my other question is I think Dbo, if IUK is out, dbo over four and a half receptions is probably a lock, like you guys. Like what do you guys think about those two props? The Elijah Mitchell, I don't, I'm like thinking the under. Like do we do we think that they get under? Like that's no, I'm saying the under because I'm not a big under guy. But like he made those comments and the rushing, elijah Mitchell played zero snaps last week. 20 and a half yards is a lot for someone who played zero snaps last week. I feel like that prop is just a reaction to the coach speak and the spread and like if they get up, do they just? They just give Elijah Mitchell the ball, but Elijah Mitchell has like zero yards the whole season, like in two weeks. So I just I don't know, like I'm questioning, like I guess I could pull up what he did in week one where they were killing the Steelers, that would. I'm going to pull that up and you guys kind of tell me what you think on those props.

Speaker 4:

Well, what I'm thinking is is I kind of want to wait a little bit longer on this Jordan, because don't you think, do you think people are going to smash the over, or do you think you need to go earlier to get the under? Like it's possible, it's up to 30, right?

Speaker 3:

I just don't know what people are thinking. I just I saw that number and I was like one. Why is there even a prop for Elijah Mitchell? The guy didn't play in the whole game yesterday. It has to be because of what Shanahan said, how it's unintentional. I didn't mean to not play him at all, we got to get him more involved, but he had. He had five carries for 10 yards in the game. They want 37 against Pittsburgh, yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

They were killing.

Speaker 2:

Pittsburgh and he still didn't play. Yeah, it's. It's weird. I think, from what I've seen is people are trying to justify it, say the game was closer, right, so they kept McCaffrey in and that makes sense, like you're going to keep your best player in the backfield when the game's close. But they played Pittsburgh and killed Pittsburgh. You think Mitchell be playing the whole fourth quarter?

Speaker 3:

No, I agree, and he played yeah.

Speaker 2:

I, I, I mean I'm saying smash the under, Like that's, that's my reaction. He played, he played 10-15%.

Speaker 5:

When did I when did I you go out, though he didn't really he let the game and then come back.

Speaker 3:

Came back and now he's questionable. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

So you don't think that's, I don't think he's going to play.

Speaker 5:

But that's, that's what I'm. I you don't think that they'll utilize even CMC a little bit more in the passing game, just a little bit to bump it.

Speaker 2:

I think Debo's going to be a good player in this game too.

Speaker 5:

But you don't think that'll help Elijah Mitchell a little bit getting the ball a little bit more. Why, I don't know, just utilizing CMC a little bit more passing wise.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't mean they're going to line up in the slot Like I don't. I don't think they're going to play. They haven't really shown a tendency to like play both those guys together. Yeah, yeah, all right, well, I don't know, I just couple couple underdog props like that I just want to look at, I just want to get your opinion. Cue the underdog promo trend.

Speaker 4:

Underdog is the dude's favorite place to play basketball. Guys, go over to underdog, tell them, the dude sent you promo code dudes and they will match you up to $100. The best thing about fantasy football is the drafts, guys. So if you want to draft, go over to underdog. Tell them, the dude sent you into promo code dudes. We're actually going to do a draft for week three at the end of the show. Stay tuned for our draft. You just get a couple buddies play for as little as $3 and, you know, have some fun. So go over to underdog, tell them we sent you. Guys. What do we got? We want to pick. Who's going to win this game? Who's going to lose this game? What are you guys thinking?

Speaker 3:

I got Niners.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Niners, niners, niners, gang bang, bang. All right. What do we got next here, phil?

Speaker 5:

All right, next game we have the Colts one-on-one Colts being led by Garner Minshew against the two and O Ravens. Baltimore is currently favored by eight. The line is 45. Seth has a sit in this game. Seth, you want to start with your sit and then we can talk about a little more.

Speaker 4:

Is Minshew for sure playing? We don't have Richard.

Speaker 5:

So we actually don't, we actually don't know that, we actually don't know.

Speaker 2:

But what I did know is Richard did not practice. I don't know if they practice on Mondays, but I know they didn't practice yesterday, on Tuesday. He didn't practice today, which is Wednesday, so he's up in the air. He's questionable Like. So I think we're just, I think it's safe to assume like Minshew is going to be the guy until they announce Richardson. That's usually how it kind of like if he's not practicing, he hasn't cleared percussion protocol, he can't practice. So I'm just going to assume Minshew's playing or Minshew's going to be the play here. And if we I was looking, trent gave me his PFF login, so I've been doing more research into that. It's actually found that Pittman kind of has like a less like because he's the slot. If I'm looking at this right, he is the slot receiver there and he's been running more of those short underneath routes and Richardson like, likes to throw those like five to 10 yard routes, whereas and then I went back and watched Minshew play last week after, after Richardson came out, and Minshew was actually throwing the more out outside routes, outside the numbers, outside the hashes. He was waiting for plays to develop longer and making those throws. So I think he's actually not going to be throwing the ball to Pittman as much as we think. So I think is I mean it could be like a Josh Downs game. I don't think Minshew's going to throw the ball to Pittman that much, so I'm just going to say sit Pittman If Richardson plays. I think Pittman is totally fine to play, but knowing, since Richardson's up in the air and Minshew is the go-to guy, that we're just going to assume I think it's, I think Pittman is going to be out if Richardson's out.

Speaker 4:

And a lot of times those backup wide receivers tend to not backup the number two wide receiver. Number three wide receiver seems to have a better repertoire with the backup quarterback. It's kind of how it's been in the a lot of times is what I've seen in past games. Those are kind of the guys they run routes with is like that wide receiver three, wide receiver two is kind of things I've heard yeah, pittman's not the slot receiver.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry. Downs is the slot receiver yeah, downs is the slot receiver yeah, so I had. I said that I said the wrong the wrong one. So actually that actually favors the slot receiver. The matchup favors the slot receiver in this one. But I still think Minshew did make his big pass play was to like can he get two big plays that tied ends last week, which is interesting?

Speaker 4:

All right, I forgot to put your graphic on there, seth, sorry about that. Seth said of the week we'll rest here.

Speaker 2:

Right, you're going to put it up now.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I put it up. We have good graphics. Go check these out on YouTube. Guys, give us the thumbs up, like I said, and what? Are you guys?

Speaker 5:

going to say in this, joe Nixon, the graphics are getting way better, just so you know, okay, every, no one really had a good game on Cincinnati last year, last week. But what do you guys think about? And we can move on after we bring this up here but what are we thinking about just in terms of Zach Moss this week on colds?

Speaker 3:

Just was going to bring that up, phil I great, great, great yeah I literally, literally was like I got to bring this up. He played every snap last week, like every single snap last week. I just put the matchup sucks. It's a really hard. I just I don't know what the answer is. If I'm being honest, like I just you probably spend some fab on them and if you need to use them, I think you can. I think you can play them. It's just it's a real like it's a really hard matchup, but he played so much that maybe just gets their volume wise. He played every single snap. He's. There was like he's, that's what we want, right? Like we want those every down back.

Speaker 2:

So and if Richard is not playing? Yeah, Richard is not playing, like the rushing is going to Moss.

Speaker 3:

And and also the goal line. Yes. He has more upside, at the, at the Reds or the goal line, because there's no Richardson there.

Speaker 5:

And we don't know. I don't know when these happen, but he was targeted four times. All passes might have been through from Menchu. I don't know how many times, but at least it doesn't really matter, because he played or target every snap, so yeah, yeah, but that's all that. Yes, you're right, you're right. I'm just saying Menchu may have targeted him more with with the throw into him a little bit too. That's all I was saying there. All right, we can move on here. Do we want to go into real quick? One more note.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead. I think we get a big, a big Zay flowers game. Big Zay flowers game here. The Texans tore up that Indian Indianapolis secondary last week.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

I say All right, let's. You want to go to Trent? Did you have something to add there?

Speaker 4:

No, no, no. I have something to add. After we do this, I'm going to say Ravens win. Anyone going to go against the Ravens?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

No, sir, alrighty. Today's preview is brought to you by Trophy Smack. Trophy Smack is the best place to get your fancy football trophies, last place punishments, participation ribbons anything fantasy football needs. You can customize it, make it exactly how you want. We have a custom belt for our dynasty league, the Dino Dudes, which is over there to my left, and I don't know why I'm pointing at it because you can't see it. But go to trophiesmackcom. Forward slash dudes. It really helps us out, guys. Not only does it help us out, you get 15% off your whole entire order. Go to Trophy Smack. It's not too late to bring your league up to the next level. Phil, what is our next match up here? My man, this is a spicy matchup.

Speaker 5:

This is a get out of my life, trent. This is a spicy matchup here, I wish I am. Let's give ourselves a round of applause. This is our second week.

Speaker 4:

No, no, no, I think we're grinding right now. No more rounds of applause.

Speaker 5:

This is a fantasy matchup that I think is getting Jordan. Jordan's going to be Jordan's going to be eating halibut excuse me, jordan's going to be eating smoked salmon, enjoying this game, like. I think this is a game that Jordan is like, very excited to have, like to smoke salmon sandwich with, I don't know. Get excited, jordan. Let me see your excitement here. Buddy, we have the two and O Falcons at the one and one Lions. The current line is 46 and a half. Detroit is currently favored by three and a half.

Speaker 4:

I think you skipped the game, phil, you skipped the game.

Speaker 5:

Oh, I need to take away that clap for ourselves.

Speaker 4:

I mean they're all 10.

Speaker 5:

They're all 10 AM games I mean to be quite honest, I was going to say that game does not give me very excited Phil.

Speaker 1:

I thought you're going to a different game here. Here's that. I don't know.

Speaker 4:

That game does not get Jordan's chili hot.

Speaker 5:

This is the thing, though we they're all 10 AM games it's very easy to kind of go back and forth. We didn't have any starts and sits in the other. I was sensing a lull in our kind of like our excitement, so I wanted to get into an exciting game.

Speaker 2:

I'm just more surprised that Trent made the guy who can't read the host.

Speaker 4:

Hey, equal opportunity man.

Speaker 5:

All right, what do you want to go? We did have a sit in that game. Do you want me to go back, or should we?

Speaker 4:

I feel like we're already too far into it to now it's too far the other way, so just go in order going order now.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, so usually the second one on the list, right above the first.

Speaker 5:

The third you mean. So we'll go into this game. This is a boring game. We can go through it quickly. Jordan has a sit, One in one, Titans, one on one Browns. A V line total is 39 and a half. Cleveland is currently favored by three. Jordan, you have a sit in this game. Very on brand for you.

Speaker 3:

Sort, yeah, hold on Right here Everyone. Trent, can you give me the screen? Here you have the stage. Oh man, we got a little bit of glare. Right here, derek Henry, right here, this dude right here. He is my sit of the week here.

Speaker 2:

Bringing in props.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Bring in props, you know? Here's the thing he's a three point dog. He's still a three point dog. I missed that was it. He was a three point dog when I looked earlier. But on the road, three point underdog, Yep. Biggest stand of the week for me is not only do I think Derek Henry just sit Like I think people are going to start him because you could. He is not going to be a top 20 running back this week, he will be outside the top 20. This, this Browns defense is an elite, elite run defense. They're a top three, four, five defense in the league. Probably they're elite. They've given up only 130 rushing yards this year To running backs. And here's the reality. Derek Henry snapped spike last week compared to week one. But if the Titans are struggling and they can't run the ball, you know who's coming in Ty J Spears. Like those snaps are going to write back to the 50-50 split they were in week one. Spears is going to be the passing down running back. I know Henry's getting targets. I think that might be just a factor of them struggling to run the ball anyways. So even when he's in the game, they're having to use him in the passing game but he's not playing third down. Spears is playing third downs and I just think that this is a team who they just want to run the ball and they can't really, and they're definitely not going to be able to run the ball against this Browns defense. The Browns defense has given up zero rushing touchdowns. I know we're only two weeks through, but they bottled up Najee Harris last week. The Steelers had to use Jaylen Warren in the passing game and they bottled up mixed I think mixed in that like 50 yards rushing in week one. This is a really good defense and it's a really good run defense and I think Derek Henry is not a top 20 running back this week.

Speaker 5:

You heard it here folks.

Speaker 4:

Bold Jordan. I agree, jordan, I'm actually I'm excited about Spears here. I've been playing him in a dynasty league that's kind of in a rebuild, and he's been doing pretty solid. He did okay for me last year. I won my week and Spears was an okay fill in, If they. I'm excited with the snap percentages he's been getting this early in his career for where you got him in rookie drafts. I forgot this, though, phil. I didn't fill out the notes properly. I also have a start in this game, okay, so I have a Mari. Cooper as my start of the week Appreciate that, thank you, we almost skipped two starts right, so Mari. Cooper, I think the Browns are. Where is Tennessee good at? On defense, they're pretty good against the run right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's definitely their better.

Speaker 4:

I wouldn't say they're good against the run, but they're horrible against the pass. Dushan Watson has to start throwing the ball. Good, maybe he doesn't do it this week. He needs that get right game, though he's what the highest paid player in the NFL Like. He needs to bounce back here. So Dushan Watson gets it going with a Mari Cooper. I think a Mari Cooper has a good game here and I think you can feel really confident playing a Mari Cooper against the Titans. I this game seems kind of interesting and maybe it. Maybe it's not at all Like the. The line's not crazy. I think Browns win this game. The Titans are really hard to get a read on. See, I'm going to go.

Speaker 2:

Browns too.

Speaker 3:

I'm going to.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

And I like the Mari Cooper play chair. He looked pretty good last week on it, even coming off that groin or whatever it was, he looked pretty good. And Watson was getting in the ball. Watson's not good but he's getting in the Cooper the ball. So and in Joku too, I think in Joku you can use two Titans always rough, I think in Joku is fine.

Speaker 4:

Do you think we maybe see Watson run a little bit more now that Chubb's gone? Do you think maybe he tries to take over a little bit more? He used to be a decent runner. He has a rushing touchdown on the season.

Speaker 3:

I guess we didn't really state the obvious trend that you're playing Jerome Ford. I guess we should have mentioned that. I don't know if people are questioning that now, after cream hunt. I mean the comments from their head coach is the fans, is the fans key their head coach? That's a coach. Yeah. He made the comments. After that, jerome Ford's feature back. We're going to add somebody. My guess is he knew that somebody was going to be cream hunt, so but he said that knowing that they're going to add cream hunt. I think Jerome Ford's a guy. They didn't want cream hunt. They let cream hunt go, I think, because of Jerome Ford and cream hunt was not good last year. You can look at the numbers, but so I think you're starting Jerome Ford and so I don't know. I've looked the props. I think there's any props in on Jerome Ford. I'd like to see what those numbers come in at.

Speaker 4:

But All right, I think we're going Browns all the way.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, browns all the way sounds. That's Yep Cool. All right, can we move on to the game that I was hyping up a little bit more? Yeah, hyping up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that I'm not excited about either. I don't know why you'd be excited.

Speaker 5:

Hyped dog. You're not excited about this one, jordan, about. I feel like you would be excited about this one At the Lansing.

Speaker 3:

Detroit, atlanta doesn't do anything. They run the ball every single play.

Speaker 5:

They have the fourth highest total of the week.

Speaker 3:

I mean, he worked for you. How much? Yeah, 46, not very, still not high, but yeah.

Speaker 5:

I mean, you don't think fourth is high set.

Speaker 3:

It's a 46, little more than 50.

Speaker 2:

I want something 50 plus.

Speaker 5:

I mean, there's only one game, that's 50.

Speaker 3:

There's one game that I'm in love with this week, and it's the obvious game.

Speaker 5:

So All right, I'll let it slide. I think this one is actually probably going to go the over, but I'm going to go. Falcons 2 and 0. Lines 1 and 1, 46 and a half. Detroit is currently favored by three and a half Jordan. You have a start. I'll let you. Oh, excuse me, trent, you have a start. My apologies.

Speaker 4:

It's okay we are. We're getting better here, right, so I'll throw this, trying to get used to it.

Speaker 1:

I have just like say glasses, yeah, I'm I think it's pretty obvious.

Speaker 4:

I think Jameer Gibbs gets unleashed here finally this week. I think it's happening a little faster. Maybe then Campbell wanted it to happen. But I like, I like them. I think that he whether it's catching passes or whatever I'm really excited about Jameer Gibbs this week. I said Gibson, but Jameer Gibbs, I think he's really talented. He's looked good in the little spurts he's got. He led the Lions in targets last week. Fun fact, I'm not saying he caught them all, but he had nine targets. So I think Gibbs has a really good game against Atlanta this week. Other side of the ball, I also think Bijon is going to smash also. I think I think Bijon can have a really good game. I think this is like. I know Jordan's not excited about it. I'm excited to watch both running backs in this game.

Speaker 5:

I'm excited to watch this game. I think that has the potential of going much higher. It's fourth highest on there, and these two yahoos over here don't think this is going to be a good game. I think they're out. I think they're out of their minds. I think this will end up being a good one. Jordan, it sounds like you have something to say. Now I'll let you. I'll let you go ahead.

Speaker 3:

Well, one. You're also like basically a Lions truther, so like, of course, you're going to think the Lions game is interesting, Trent he couldn't cheer for the Lions last week, so he's he's back. I'm back. My only question on Gibbs is they they have correct Reynolds there. They signed on him at night. I'm more worried about the role.

Speaker 4:

I'm more worried about Reynolds than Zonovan Knight, but I think that it's going to have to be like maybe he doesn't get every snap. I think they're going to. I think he's that much better. It's going to be obvious that they have to give him the ball.

Speaker 3:

He got 50% snaps last week and maybe that's enough for him. He's so electric that maybe the 50% snaps is enough.

Speaker 4:

The gum ring get hurt.

Speaker 3:

Third quarter, I think. Okay, trent, he played 15% snaps. I think it's going to trend, trent. It was training. That game was trending towards another 75, 35, 60, 40 split with Montgomery Gibbs. So I think you got up to the 50, 50 because Montgomery got hurt. I like Gibbs, I think is. I just worry like in some ways, this isn't the best game for him to be unleashed because you need the passing upside and I just don't know what this game is going to turn out like. Like I don't know how good a lens is. They run the ball or slow. I do agree Like it's a Bijon smash, though 100%, I think I have that. I think I have in my notes. Al Jir got less snaps last week and it's a big Bijon week. I like Bijon a lot this week. I want to look at his prop number two at some point.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to lean in here a little bit more. Last season Last season the combined scoring went over the point total 10 times in Detroit games.

Speaker 3:

last year it's because it's in a dome. I know you're not wrong 100% on the logic, phil, it's, it's, that's it's not a Jan. The counterpoint, though, is Atlanta is so slow and they run the ball and they drain the clock. That's. That's the only issue with that. Yeah, the other thing is we buried the lead is a modern saying. Brown hasn't practiced all week, so he missed practice both days, and I don't know what. I think it's a toe injury or something.

Speaker 5:

So Josh plays Josh.

Speaker 3:

Reynolds yeah, it would be probably a pretty good value on some stuff and yeah, and as he's going to play, but we'll see. Yeah, no, I think he does too, but we just don't know. And guys.

Speaker 2:

It's a good matchup for him too.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, guys, I announced this on the waiver wire pod and it's, it's relevant right here. But I'm, I'm, hey, I'm going to deep lengths now to make this happen. But we now, if you go to the fantasy football dudescom, we now havea what's it here? Say, right here, feed Kyle pitch shirt. So I don't know, maybe I need to send one to Desmond Ritter. We'll see how that is. That's on the YouTube right there, but on sale right now for 22 bucks. Go check that out, yeah All right.

Speaker 3:

I think it's a decent.

Speaker 4:

It's a decent matchup for London or pits. I think one of them will have a good game. I don't know which one it will be though. I say I'm going lines, I'm going to say I got lines, I got Detroit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, lions.

Speaker 5:

And Seth, you went Atlanta.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Sorry, trent, what did you do? Lions? We all went Detroit. Okay, moving on here, the. We are moving on to the saint, the two, and oh saints versus the one and one. What in the? The two and oh saints versus the one and one. Packers, the current total right now is 42 and a half. Green Bay is currently favored by two Jordan, you have a sit in this game. I'm shocked.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so I got a Michael Thomas as a sit here. It's a lower total. On the lower total, they're on the road in Green Bay, it's not. It's not. The Lambos can be crazy at times, not the best place to play and it's probably the best. So I know Michael Thomas has had two good weeks. I think he has Like 12, 12 catches, like nine and 11, seven like almost double digit targets each week, but it's the best passing. Even saints have probably played. They played the Titans passing defense We've kind of talked about not being very good and they played the Panthers passing defense, who, honestly, isn't very good either. It's a better passing defense. And also, I think Green Bay. Green Bay sits at like yeah, they're like a middle, mid pack, past defense, but the Titans and I think the Panthers are way down there. And then here's my thing Michael Thomas. Basically, at this point, he cannot, he's not running like like he probably ran faster the locker room the other night than he does on the field. Yeah, when they almost got in half a second. Yeah, like I'm being dead serious, this is what he has. He has 12 yards after the catch on 12 receptions through two weeks. Yeah, he's just a shelve himself.

Speaker 4:

It's five and seven, Like he's not Guys.

Speaker 3:

I watched a lot of that game. It was slant boy, slant boy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but he's not. But he's not running out for the slant Like he's not taking.

Speaker 3:

I'm saying he's catching the slant and getting tackled. He's not taking the slant.

Speaker 2:

He's catching the slant and getting tackled. He's not like there's no play after the catch.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he has 12 yards after the catch on 12 catches Like that's pretty impressive. It formed a Rico, like so at least he's consistent. He's getting volume, but there's no explosiveness. There's no explosive plays. So against this, packers, even I'm leaning towards like I think you can just sit on this week. I think there's gonna be weeks where he's valuable, but it's a little total. There's not going to be a lot of volume. Best case scenario he gets you like you're hoping for. The touchdown is what you need from him, and watch Michael Thomas will probably. You know you got the extra running into the locker room. He probably feels good. Now he's gonna go bust off a 60 yard slant. It's probably what's going to happen, but I don't know.

Speaker 4:

Well, and the thing is, it seemed like Carr was kind of locking onto Thomas.

Speaker 3:

He was. He was beating him yeah.

Speaker 4:

But, Red Zone, though seemed like he was going to a LaVe and they just couldn't connect. Like they were really close on one of them he almost had that jump, but I don't know, I'm going Saints. I don't know Like who on the picks, like what do you think?

Speaker 3:

Real quick, Trent. There's one more we got to talk about. What do we? The Jamal Williams probably isn't playing. He's probably out Conjuring Miller, Tony Jones Jr. What do you? What are you thinking there? I think it's important, we got to talk about it.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I have Conjuring Miller in a league. I think Tony Jones Jr was a good play and a good way where I pick up, but now with Conjuring, I think it's just we got to wait and see approach.

Speaker 4:

We've seen this movie before. You know the Tony Jones deal and it's never really quite pans out. You usually he's a waiver wire guy and you know you usually if you, if you have to get him on waivers, you've already missed the opportunity, like he usually has like a touchdown game, then they don't go back to it. So that's why I'm thinking I think Eileen Miller he made some nice catches and stuff in preseason look pretty good. So I would go with. Is it Conjuring Kendrae?

Speaker 3:

Kendrae, Kendrae. Yeah, I lean that way too. I was just curious.

Speaker 4:

Okay, that's where I'm at. I'm going to say Saints, win this game. Anyone going Packers.

Speaker 5:

I'm going to go Packers. I got a great day.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to go Packers too, cheese Alrighty.

Speaker 5:

Moving on. Here we have the Texans 0-2 versus Jordan's 1-1 Jaguars. Current total right now is 43 and a half. The Jags are currently favored by nine and a half. No starts, no sits in this game that I can see, unless the notes are not updated. I know Jordy tends to love his Jags, but is there anything you guys wanted to go over here?

Speaker 4:

Smash, smash. What's his name? Smash play Late at night. Not eating, not eating. He's the receiver man. I'm totally blanking Ridley Ridley, it's just late. I was just saying Smash.

Speaker 5:

Ridley's a Smash player.

Speaker 3:

There's a line that Phil honestly like I'm a little biased here, I guess, but like I really like this game. I think this is the low total game that like could be the shootout Not necessarily shootout, but go over the total just because one, I think the Jag. I'm locking the Jaguars in Survivor. I'm going all in on the Jaguars Survivor. Survivor this week. I don't see the Jaguars losing two games in a row. They were pretty pissed off about that game in with the Chiefs In the city. Yeah, all, all, all the. You know, all the all. Everything coming out of the locker room was just how upset they were about it, and so I don't see them losing back to back games at home against the Texans. So I like them a lot this week in Survivor. But I like this game. I think it's an ETN spot, but I also think it's a Christian Kirk spot. I think it's a Jaguars offense spot. I think I like Christian Kirk the most. I think I read that the Texans run like man, like the Chiefs did last week. So it really is really like you're going to play Ridley, obviously, but I think where I'm different is I like the Houston receivers here and I don't know really I think Niko Collins, I want to look at his props a little bit more. Or, and Tank Dell's props is also what I want to look at. But, niko Collins, I think you can play in your season long. I think they're both guys that all probably have some DFS, like ETN, texans receiver, or like Christian Kirk, texans receiver, you know, maybe Ridley, like I think it's all fine. But I think Stroud, if he plays, interesting but Stroud may not play, and if, if Stroud doesn't play, that takes me out. I'm not interested in the Texans a little bit. But I don't know Davis Mills, I don't know it kind of sucks.

Speaker 4:

So definitely, definitely changes things if we don't get Stroud. Stroud looks pretty good. Tank Dell, I believe he really he's going to pull away a little bit more each week, I think, and I think Niko's pretty good also there. I've been getting some questions on whether guys should play Hunter Henry or Evan Ingram this week. Jordan, do you like this Evan Ingram spot right here? Hunter Henry has quietly the tight end two on the season.

Speaker 3:

I'm just yeah, ingram is getting a lot of work. He's getting a lot of targets too from Trevor Lawrence. He's making plays like he had a couple. There was one where he he was about two yards short, running out of bounds. You are short and let like jumped and do for the first down like he's making plays. I think Trevor Lawrence really trusts him. So I like Ingram a lot in this matchup. But Hunter Henry, like he's getting the work, so he's getting the volume. Just a really hard matchup. Yeah, I think, lawrence is going to have a really good game.

Speaker 2:

If I can say something about Evan Ingram, if you, if we're looking at PFF here, it's said Ingram has a 19% target share. The guy that would be that would be covering him mostly is, I think, chris Harris and he's a linebacker at Houston. He has a low grade in the past defense at about 42. And Evan Ingram has about a 76. So gives him like a plus 34%, which is up there with TJ Hawkinson's matchup and Travis Kelsey at 27%. So this could be a smash spot for Ingram this week.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I like it too.

Speaker 4:

All right, I'm going with Jaguars in this game. Amen. All righty. What do we got next here? Oh my goodness, yeah, okay, yeah, keep going. Hey guys also give our guy a fantasy dad. He, you know, give him a follow on Twitter. He's been giving us some shout outs on there. He will answer most start sit questions. He does a fantasy dad minute every day. Go check that out on Twitter. It's pretty cool, fun stuff. But I thought I'd give him a little shout out here, so go give him a follow at TFF, dad. All right, what do we got next, phil?

Speaker 5:

Yep. So what we have are the own two Broncos versus the two and O Dolphins. Current total right now is 48. Miami is currently favored by six and a half at home. No starts sits in this game. Anything that we want to talk about here, waddle is was limited. He might is what allow. I didn't even have any update on model.

Speaker 4:

Was it concussion? Is that what it was?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he has a concussion. I'm sure the dolphins will clear him and he's good. Honestly, that's a good point. I don't think they will after I know I was thinking they won't.

Speaker 2:

Yeah so I'm stretching today.

Speaker 3:

All he did was stretch, so he stretched and that's all he's it. He's some concussion protocol. That's all we know. So it says he paid attention and will likely test out practice later this week If his symptoms, symptoms allow. So we're in the dark there.

Speaker 5:

I like how they included that he paid attention and he just means it.

Speaker 3:

So I mean, I guess it means he does. He knows that he may not for sure not play, you know.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, paid attention, yeah, I he's listening ears on the entire practice, like it's so stupid.

Speaker 2:

They just really don't want to tell you anything.

Speaker 4:

Do they have like the report? Yeah, like what they had in, like first inside voices were used.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I guess. So Inside voices were used during all huddles. It's like what are we doing here, guys? Like I don't want to hear about him paying attention during all practice, I just want to know if he's playing or not.

Speaker 4:

He doesn't pay attention most days like that. That's something that's worth noting, like when he does.

Speaker 2:

It's like a good story. He'll say he just plays him and mad and figures out. Good, they are Sure.

Speaker 5:

That's such a good point Like this is a difference than what he normally does.

Speaker 4:

Um, what kind of a let down this year. Like where he was getting drafted and he was good last week he was real good last week.

Speaker 3:

when he have 60 years he doesn't have. If, yeah, but if he doesn't get tackled on that one or trip over himself, he has a 40 year Shunk is yeah, yeah, like he like got a little bit I'm. Yeah, he's got some decent anyways, like if Waddles out. I think Braxton Barrios or River Craig Kraft are interesting for DFS formats. I'd be curious with their props coming at at two and then. I think it's a good spot for Tyreek and two at two and then most are. I like the spot for the Miami at home On the Broncos. I think it's just a shavante, and Coralyn Sutton, I don't really love anything else here.

Speaker 4:

Just a font they, you think we're saying going to cook finally, this could be a good plan about 50 percent snaps.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a good, decent matchup. I just I think you play them and you just have to hope that. You know, eventually it's going to come. You just got to keep playing them.

Speaker 4:

All right, I'm going to say dolphins, win this. Anyone going with Broncos.

Speaker 5:

No, no, no Broncos here. All right, let's move on. At what point does Sean Payton start just throwing Russell Wilson under the bus? I think we're about a game away from that happening.

Speaker 4:

I he had, I didn't watch the whole game.

Speaker 3:

You already. You heard he said right, no, he said that he's starting to have to start like dumbing down the offense or something like dumbing down the terminology and something I don't know.

Speaker 5:

OK, I thought you were going to say something a lot more shocking than that. Like I was expecting like a bomb.

Speaker 3:

I was expecting like a bomb shell, phil, if you're a quarterback like Russell, Wilson, I guess you have to dumb down the, the offense and the terminology. Yeah, I think that's pretty insulting to a 10 year, 12 year vet like Russell Wilson.

Speaker 5:

It's probably a lot less insulting. Go ahead Basically, Sean.

Speaker 4:

Payton asked if Russell Wilson could put his listening ears on.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

Yes, or we need to start saying that now, like now. Trent, I need you to put your listening ears on now.

Speaker 2:

Phil's listening helmet.

Speaker 5:

Yes, exactly. Please do not. The. The Trent needs to put on his listening ears. You know what, buddy? You've done a good job all day today, seth, with your listening ears. All right, let's move on here. The. I think everyone took the dolphins right. Everyone take the boncos it's all the way across, all right. So moving on here we have the. We have just two. We have two actually very decent O and two teams playing OK, and it's going to stink because one of them is going to be O and three, and I really don't think that their record should look that way. But we have the O and two chargers versus the O and two Vikings. The current total is 54, one of the highest totals on the board. Minnesota is currently favored by half a point at home. Essentially, a wash. Jordan has a start. I think this is a good game to talk about, but Jordan, let's, let's, let's dive into this one. This might be the one that you were all giddy about, giddy about. So everyone here on this pod has their listening ears and are ready to pay full attention to you.

Speaker 3:

Yes, this is definitely the game that that I that I think is the best game of the week, the game that I am very tempted to just only play quarterback from this game in DFS this week. I love this game. My start of the week is Jordan Addison in this game. So highest total on the board. Like you said, phil, the chargers have given up the most passing yards through the first two weeks. Jordan Addison has played, has played 70 percent snaps last week, so it's increased from week one to week two and he had six and five targets last two weeks. He had a touchdown each game and like part of me is like just kind of, with this start Is like targeting this game. You know, like targeting this game. We're going to want to play guys in this game. It's a great game environment and that applies all the way around, like it applies to your props, it applies to your DFS your, your weekly stuff, it applies to your season long everywhere. You know the underdog draft we're going to do in the end of this pod. That get applies everywhere. And I like Addison, like he's going to go a little more under the radar. I think like obviously everyone's playing, jefferson, everyone's playing. We can talk about the running back on the Minnesota side, but like you're playing Eckler or Kelly, you know like, you're playing Hawkinson, you're playing Mike Williams, ken Allen, like Jordan Addison, is a little bit more under the radar, you know like, and I think he's going to have a huge week this week. I think he's going to catch his 50 yard bomb, and so I just really like this game and I think Jordan Addison is probably the most under the radar play in this game. So I just I think I'm going to. He's my son, I think I'm going to. He's my start of the week.

Speaker 4:

I like it, jordan. I also forgot to update the notes completely, but I have a sit here, okay, so my sit of the week. A nice little graphic there, a little sit of the week Actually kind of disgusting, but I have that's how Trent fills out the the the sheet every time you use it on that. Exactly so. It's a little stinking spice burger. Yeah, Post pumpkin spice right there. Go check that out. So I got Alexander Madison as my sit of the week. I made this before the cam acres news, but they clearly are not happy with him and I, I they. They aren't happy, they're own three. I, I almost. Am I looking at this wrong? I don't have this as a sit. I'm sorry, I actually I took this off, so I just it actually is a pretty good match, Sorry. It's a good matchup for Madison.

Speaker 2:

It's a good matchup for Madison.

Speaker 4:

It's a good matchup. Yeah, I had him as a start and I removed him, so my bad guys there you go. Don't ignore the, don't ignore the graphic and I think, yeah, sorry about that Total graphic goes for Trent, just the eating his foot right there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 4:

I do. You think you can play Madison in this game with this matchup?

Speaker 3:

Well, we need to talk about. Chargers are just yeah.

Speaker 4:

I just ran with it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, I can't. So cam acres is traded there. I just don't know how much cam acres plays.

Speaker 2:

It is a pretty solid.

Speaker 3:

it's a pretty solid matchup for Madison. I just think Madison kind of sucks, honestly, like I it all admit I was wrong. I was kind of high on Madison this year and and I think he would have ended up getting there if they hadn't traded for cam acres. Just on volume alone I think he would end up getting there. But I just don't know how good he is. And the fact that they traded for cam acres makes you kind of wonder how good they think he is because they let Dalvin go because they kind of wanted Madison to be in that full time role. I just wonder if he's a guy who's not capable of succeeding in that full time role. He was better as a guy who they bring in and Change of pace.

Speaker 4:

One game fell.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Like yeah, yeah, yeah, I actually yeah, I had Madison as a start, Then I yeah sorry guys, I had a strange day today, but no excuses. But yeah, this is his last shot. I'm going to say this is a who do we say wins, who do we say? Well, just some stats here about the Targers you know I've been talking about their coaching. Justin Herbert's last four games. He has 1,130 passing yards. He's averaging 282 yards per game. He's thrown seven total TDs, no interceptions. 65 were completion percentage. So I figure things out. And look Echler. You think Echler plays?

Speaker 3:

I kind of think he doesn't play. I don't think so either.

Speaker 4:

So maybe a decent spot for Kelly. You ready to go get hurt again?

Speaker 3:

I think we get a. I think we get a big bounce back. Kelly game on and say I can see that happening too, like where it's just and not huge but maybe 80 yards in a touchdown type of deal.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm going to go Vikings, here I have charges.

Speaker 4:

You're going to Chargers.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I got charges here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, just looking at this graph this game in San Diego.

Speaker 4:

It's in Minnesota, sorry.

Speaker 2:

It's in Minnesota. Yeah, I'm not San Diego. Yeah, I'm gonna go. I'm gonna go Vikings.

Speaker 5:

I don't feel the home helps.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm going with the carters, but I think, Go try it.

Speaker 4:

The chargers never play home anyways, though. You know. I mean like I feel like they always have a lot of opposing fans there, but it's in Minnesota, it's in the dome. It'll be warm. Looking at this picture of Justin Herbert, he just looks like a guy that maybe could go to manscapecom. He doesn't completely look like a modern man, but the modern man's a man who takes care of himself. Guys, manscaping isn't just for life special occasions. It's a requirement for optimal health, superior hygiene and healthy self-esteem. You know of the right tools for a safe and precise grooming and hard to navigate sensitive areas, plus post trimming products. Go over to manscapecom. Enter promo code dudes 20 20% off your whole entire order. Guys, really helps us out. Go check that out. Seth's probably wearing the boxers 2.0 right now. Unfortunately I am not, but yeah, go over, check that out. All kinds of boxers, lawnmowers, weed whackers, everything you need. All right, what do we got here next, phil?

Speaker 5:

Yes, we are moving right along here.

Speaker 3:

You guys didn't even pick a pick a game.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna go Vikings, as Seth always says. Skull. Skull.

Speaker 3:

I'll. I'll, I'm glad, so I'll get a game on you guys here.

Speaker 5:

Skull. All right, moving on here, the we have the 012 Patriots versus the one-on-one jets. The line tail right now is currently 37. New England is currently favored by three. Yeah, no starts, those sits in this game, unless I am missing something. I know we had a note that was off there, so let me take a look at this real quick.

Speaker 4:

I know I think you're good.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I think we're good here. So that's the.

Speaker 3:

That's the game on this game Like, yeah, let's make this real simple. Garrett wills or Mander Stevenson the jets back to an absolute mess. They all 33% snaps, all three of them Jets defense is probably one of the best defense of the week. I'm picking the jets to win.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I need to play Hunter Henry also. Cowboys had two tight end score on them last week. Not a lot better than you can do, then you know, I didn't to and maybe a guy who scored a touch on each game. I'm going, I'm gonna go jets, I'm going jets as well.

Speaker 5:

It's in, it's in, it's in New York.

Speaker 3:

The line seems wrong to me. Like New England, favored by two and a half, doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 5:

I'm going with New England rough game though last week for the jets Geordie.

Speaker 3:

Rough game for New England.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, do you see that? Sauce gardener said he's gonna start shadowing guys.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, he probably should after last week, right, he only had there was only he was a Cooper was I'm sorry, not Cooper Land was on, was only on his side, like three times and didn't get any pat. Like well, I don't know why, like that was like the, you remember when, like they did that I mean not to be a Seahawks pod, but they used to do that all the time where they would just line up on one side of the field like Follow the best.

Speaker 4:

I thought that was a next game. I always thought that's weird.

Speaker 5:

You know what? Now I'm just gonna lean into this a little bit more. I still believe in Robert Sayla, you didn't you see that on this. Still believing in the jets. We'll see what happens here. All right, moving on bills, the one-on-one bills versus the two and oh commanders, yes, you heard that correctly, the two and oh commanders. The current line total is 44 and the Buffalo bills are favored by six and a half. Again, nothing here that we have not a ton. This is also not one of the higher line totals, maybe it's like the sixth, but talk to me here, boys. What do we? What are we thinking?

Speaker 3:

I think just kind of play sorry, trent, go ahead.

Speaker 4:

No, I was looking for words to say I think it's a decent miles Sanders spot.

Speaker 3:

Decent miles. Sanders doesn't play on either of these teams, trent, sorry.

Speaker 4:

I'm looking at the Panthers Seahawks Over the. He's looking up, he's looking up.

Speaker 5:

The words are. So what did you say? You're looking up, or? Let me tell you okay.

Speaker 3:

James you can't use the same excuse every single week with the time like I've been up since 3 am.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's about cramps guys. He had cramps, cramps.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Hey, it's James Cook, Stefan digs, josh Allen you could mix and Gabe Davis if you want it. Does the Knox misses? He missed practice today. It would be a huge donkey gate spot. I love them in this spot On the Washington side, I think it's. I think the Buffalo secondary is not that great. I think Dodson McClearn are pretty good place here. I, brian Robinson, antonio Gibson I think they're a little bit less of. I think you can start on both if you need to. I think they're a little bit less as good starts as McClearn Dodson, but I Think it's kind of a pretty basic to start your guys game in this game.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Speaking of Cain Trent, you are pretty close neck and neck Dalton can. Kate has six points week one, six point six points week one, 9.3 points week two. Cain has two point four points week one and seven point four points week two. I know we're not really doing egg bets, but we did have like a little bit of a gentleman's bet on who's gonna have more fantasy points.

Speaker 4:

All right. So they're, yeah, they're neck and neck. I'm gonna say both bills. I'm gonna say bills. Win this game, buffalo. You know, commanders Jordan.

Speaker 3:

I got Buffalo. Yeah, you got it, bill. Oh.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, buffalo, all right, moving into the afternoon slate, here we have the oh and two Panthers versus the one-on-one Seahawks Hawks baby. The current total right now is 42 and the Seahawks are favored at home by five and a half. No starts or sits in this game, but I think this one, this one could be. I think the Seahawks go off in this game. I think this is a. This is a go-off game for the Seahawks coming off a big win against Detroit. Seth, you have any thoughts on your, on your birds here, seabirds?

Speaker 2:

I think all all three receivers can have a pretty good game this week. They're gonna eat. They're gonna eat. Yeah, I think I think DK has the highest rated. If, with his matchup, I think DK is gonna have a good week, I mean lock it. I think it'll be more of a DK week Then. Then, where it was lock it last week, I think JSN is fine. I think, as the season goes on kind of like what Trent said a couple weeks ago, like he's just gonna keep getting better, his points are gonna keep getting higher, he's gonna get more targets I think this could be one of the weeks where maybe we see the breakout performance just because the matchup Maybe favors him a little bit more. Miles Sanders is gonna be a good play. I think in this one the Seahawks run defense isn't that good and I think the the Panthers are gonna be able to run the ball at least for a little bit on the Seahawks and Kenneth Walker, you have any thoughts on your boy? I Think it's Walker is fine here too, so I think all Seahawks players are a fire him up.

Speaker 4:

Phil, this was a story that kind of reminded me. You see, that guy on the Panthers who caught his first touchdown pass and he took though, like oh, that was so good. Like what is it? Is it not maternity, like baby pictures with the football? Yeah.

Speaker 5:

And he said like he was like it took three years, but it's finally here and is like he's like holding the in, like wrapped in a Swaddling swaddle yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah it was pretty good it was pretty good.

Speaker 5:

Kenneth Walker is Kenneth Walker. Right now is Five Half a touchdown on the over there. I'm trying to look to see if we have any other Seahawks. Just, you know it's a. You know it's always fun to look at the Hawks here. Jordan, you have anything on the Hawks you want to add there?

Speaker 3:

I just really I like Kenneth Walker a lot this week. I think it's the. The Panthers are a lot more susceptible on the ground. They are the pass, so they've actually been pretty decent in the past game. Also, it's the product of who they played to, so they played the Falcons and they played the Saints Falcons. Just don't run, don't you know, throw the ball.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so that's what I saw.

Speaker 3:

The Falcons ran all over this Carol Ion team and they were pretty. The Saints are pretty effective on the ground to you. I think it's a big kid. Ken Walker week.

Speaker 5:

Ken dog. All right, cool, I'm going, I'm all in on the Hawks. Chips are in Hawks. Baby, you're either Hawks here or not a Jordo.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I got Seahawks All right we got next bill.

Speaker 5:

All right, the next game here. Actually, let's move it on here. So we have, we have the 2 and 0 Cowboys. Give us a little, give us a little like fire up. Yell there, trent, we have the 2 and 0 Cowboys. Point, you did the finger guns there at the 0 and 2 Cardinals. The current line total right now is 43 and a half. Dallas is currently favored by 12. Trent, excuse me, seth has a start and a sit in this game. Let's go set. It is hit us with it. What are you gonna go for.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

I'll go with my sit first. So my sit of the week is James Connor. I think James Connor came off a pretty big week last week. Let me look at his numbers. James Connor last week had 16 points. He had 23 attempts for 100 yards and a touchdown, and this is half point PBR. He had one target in the past game. So on the ground he was great last week against the giant, the Cowboys defense is the real deal. I think we all know that they've they've shown it. I think maybe they're a little more susceptible through the past than they are on the run. But I don't think this is a very, a very good game for the Cardinals. But this kind of leads on at least on the ground, and even in the past game I would. I think so too. But this kind of leads me into my start of Zach Ertz. So Zach Ertz, we were kind of thinking at the beginning of the year like he'd be lower because he just came off an ACL injury. But what's funny about that is McBride is not really playing, he's not getting pay, he's not getting targeted. Dobbs right now has been throwing to Ertz 33 percent of time at 33 percent target share, which is up there with like the elite tight ends that we were seeing, and so I'm not saying he's gonna get a touchdown. But when you want a tight end you want a guy who's gonna get like five plus catches and like around 50 yards or more. Like that is a good tight end week, you know, for your typical non top three tight end. So I think Zach Ertz can finish top five and tight end this week. He might even catch a touchdown pass, but I think the line we could probably see is around like six catches for 50 plus yards for Zach Ertz. So that's my start of the week.

Speaker 4:

I Was shocked that McBride hasn't played more. But yeah, okay, I, I think it's a little, I think it's gutsy Seth, but it's my gutsy start, but I'm gonna with it. Yeah, you should have just one gut play every week, but you wanna go to your start Seth he just did both Trent.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he did both. I was not even away and I heard that what.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

Wanted to do this thing right here, and it's 1011 guys.

Speaker 2:

James Connor was my sit and Zach Ertz was my star, and you just said that's gutsy.

Speaker 4:

Sorry, I was only sorry, it's seriously. I've been up. I've really had a long day, guys, but I can explain later.

Speaker 5:

but uh, Okay, fire them both. Trent, you started this pod fire. Yeah, it's like I have this Cat on a unicorn dancing on the screen.

Speaker 4:

I've just been ready to tee up this whole time.

Speaker 2:

I know what I know we say I want Jordan to be here to see it. He left my heart of Zach Ertz. I literally said that I had to remove Jordan from the stage.

Speaker 4:

I have the. I have the unicorn keyed up for you. You know all this good stuff.

Speaker 5:

I'm sorry, it's a bad excuse, but I thought you were gonna say something else there for a second, yeah, so. I'm going down to get the bleep. Gotta get the bleep button ready for that guy. I still think.

Speaker 4:

I think Ferguson has a blow-up game soon. He's getting better every week, so hold on to him are we all Dallas.

Speaker 5:

Yes, we're all Dallas. Yeah, boys, alrighty the. Moving on to the next game. Here we have the Bears, the only two Bears, versus the one-on-one Chiefs. Current total right now is 47 and a half. Kansas City is favored by the highest number on this slate 12 and a half. And we have a sit here. Trent, you have a sit there. You go, you have the nastiness. Sit there, give it to us.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I have both Bears running backs. I just think this looks like a mess and the stuff coming out of Chicago today seems like a total mess. Have you guys seen all that stuff where Beaud said coaching and they came back and clarified it? Their defensive coordinator. There's a lot of weird stories going around about that guy resigning for his health and then there's other reasons too. It just seems like a dumpster fire over there. I'm staying away from Herbert and Roshan. You know everybody said there was a good spot for Roshan last week. It wasn't. I think maybe Fields finally has a game here where he's just running around make some crazy plays happen. This is the first time in 50 years that the quarterback with the highest win percentage in the league plays the quarterback with the lowest win percentage in the league and I think this game is to be ugly. I do not think the Bears are going to be running the ball and just something, maybe you may expect that back at QB to start playing soon for the Bears.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so.

Speaker 4:

Justin Fields, is it how?

Speaker 5:

is it pronounced Jordan Tyson Bagnet?

Speaker 3:

Who said that?

Speaker 5:

I was reading an article today that he, he, he wasn't terrible. Maybe I could be wrong. I could be. I really could be reporting on false news here. I know there was a reporter about Roshan Johnson.

Speaker 3:

The Dan Graziano reported today that Roshan Johnson will be the Bears number one running back before long.

Speaker 5:

So I don't. I was, I was there, were seeing analysts were saying that they don't, they wouldn't be shocked if they start seeing this guy showing up a little bit more.

Speaker 4:

So here here's Justin Fields through 27 career starts. After you say something, here's Justin Fields through 27 career starts. Here's Mitch Trubisky through 27 career starts. Mitch Trubisky is a former MVP but Mitch Trubisky was 63 per completion percentage. Justin Fields 59 percent. Mitch through 5644 passing yards. Fields is at 4539. Fields has 37 combined TDs. Mitch had 36 combined Passer rating Fields is a 78. Mitchell Trubisky is a 26. Turnovers Fields has had 32. Mitchell Trubisky has had 26. So the only stat that Fields has done better is he has one more combined touchdown than Mitchell Trubisky.

Speaker 3:

Interesting I was a lot of words. You said Trent.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm sorry, but the point of the matter is is Mitchell Trubisky's basically has the same stats as Justin Fields, but Mitchell Trubisky had a lot more wins.

Speaker 3:

The point is that Justin Fields sucks. So you're really trying to say Maybe, so, maybe.

Speaker 4:

so. Yeah, he has not been what I thought. He turned the left turn the corner and he's not, and I don't know, so that. I am not what it is. His offensive line is not great according to PFF, but still he he should be doing better. This is it's not looking good. I am going to say, chiefs, win this game, kelsey, I think sort of big game you could maybe start sky.

Speaker 3:

Speaking of Kelsey, you want to hear the best Kelsey news of the day.

Speaker 4:

There's Travis Kelsey and Taylor.

Speaker 3:

Swift have hung out twice and have been texting this past week Kelsey reportedly told me that you love to see her Further report. She and Travis have hung out twice and nothing serious. She thinks he is very charming. They've been texting this last week. He is embarrassed at how much attention they're getting but has told her he would love to continue seeing her. There's your Travis again. They're switched. Report Chiefs Explosion spot. Chiefs look great this week but you can only play in my home in Kelsey. I'm not touching any of those other yahoo's they have.

Speaker 4:

I'm all right, skymore had a good game. That's the type of news, jordan is looking out for on Twitter.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, honestly. Honestly it popped up on my feed and I was looking for Rochon Johnson stuff.

Speaker 4:

That's perfect timing. No, I don't mind it.

Speaker 3:

All right, chiefs, what do?

Speaker 4:

we got next Phil.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so we have the Sunday night football game. Like why is this a Sunday night football game? Guys? Like what? Why? Yeah, it's terrible. What were the matchmakers thinking when they put this game together to make it a Sunday night football game and after week one Still. Why do? Yes, correct, why did they? Why did they throw this one in the Sunday night football? Let's all just kind of like get a little bit upset about it, for a little bit.

Speaker 4:

No, two huge fan bases. Ok, two huge fan bases, an old rivalry, it makes sense. But it is kind of dumb that the Steelers on back to back weeks on prime time games. I don't think it's terrible. I do have one of the lowest totals.

Speaker 5:

It's like one of the lowest totals yet Yet. Yeah. So the current totals 43. Vegas is currently favored by two and a half. Trent has a sit in this game. Seth has a start in this game. Jordan has a start in this game Since Jordan. Since Trent has the only sit, I am going to let him go first.

Speaker 4:

Najee Harris. I just don't know what we're going to get with this guy. It looks like Jalen Warren's getting better Jordan kind of like what we were saying. I know, during the offseason I was pretty high on Najee. I was excited for him. Once we got closer to draft I wasn't as excited for him. I'm like totally off the bandwagon now, like I don't even want to admit I was high on him during the offseason. It's just I don't know if he's too slow or what it is or he just doesn't fit in that offense. But I am like don't want to touch Najee Harris at all and unfortunately you probably got him in a round where you're stuck with him. But hopefully he went out and maybe got Jerome Ford if you have him right, like something like that blew all your fab on him. But I am not excited to play Najee really in any of these matchups and Raiders probably are decent matchup for running back. But I think Warren is going. I think the Steelers have to start playing good as an offense and I think Warren just gives him a lot more versatility.

Speaker 3:

Let me just take it from here, trent, because Jaylin Warren is my start of the week, so I think he's a pretty good matchup for this two hours. Like you said, like it's a it's a solid matchup. Warren's played 30, 40 percent and 43 percent snaps of last weeks and in my opinion, like you just said, he looks way better than Najee. He looks way more explosive. He's ripping off long you know yards after the catch on a reception, ripping off some decent runs here Against a pretty solid like Cleveland run defense, like we said, like a good, so good Cleveland defense last week. He had six targets, six carries last game and like we just you just said, sure, at some point the Steelers are just gonna have to play war and more. They're gonna have to realize what everyone else is realizing that he is a much better running back to Najee Harris. It's just the truth. So I think we get a pretty solid Jalen Warren game this week against the Raiders. I I'm think I'm gonna start him in a league. So I'm he's my start of the week. I think he's like a top 20 running back this week.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'm going to start him also. Seth, what do you got here? You got a start.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so my start is Josh Jacobs. Josh Jacobs had a Abysmal week last week. I don't even know if we want to talk about it. I think he had to give negative points or he had negative yards or something like that. Crazy. Yeah, it's. He's gonna have a bounce back game this week and even if it's not anything crazy, it's gonna be a good enough week, something that you are gonna be more happy about than his first two games the 49ers week one 162 yards and a touchdown. Of course, that's with the Niners Elite run offense and McCaffrey in the backfield and in the Browns last week, 28 attempts Wanting a touchdown. So the amount of rest yards that these guys have given up it might be the most in the league. So I think this is good enough for Josh Jacobs to at least get 80 yards, like he's. He has to at least get 80 yards and impossibly touchdown. I think that's what we can expect out of him. He's my star of the week. I think people are feeling bad about having him on the team last week. You're gonna feel good about having him in this game, so start him right up. Don't be scared, don't bench him.

Speaker 4:

Can we play George Pickens in this game? Jordan I love.

Speaker 3:

I love George Pickens in this game. I think it's a. It's a big George Pickens game. I'm excited for this little showdown slate for this game. They'll be interesting little slate, so I'm excited for it.

Speaker 5:

All righty Say Raiders say, raiders win.

Speaker 3:

I got Pittsburgh.

Speaker 4:

There's only one nation, raider nation. What we got next fell.

Speaker 5:

We got some double header action. The last of our double headers, I think, for a little while at least there's. This is we have two games here. We'll start with the first one. We have the two and oh Eagles versus the two and oh buccaneers. The current total right now is 46. Philly is currently favored by five away. No starts, those sits in this game. What? What are we guys? What are we playing here? Obviously, starting your studs.

Speaker 3:

Anything sneaky, anything With swift for sure if game was out, if game was in. Maybe you can talk to touch on that a little bit set. I'm just it's hard for me even. It's just hard because you don't know. I think you can just plan on playing swift either way. I think after good, you have to be looked.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I think you have to, I think you, you I mean you you, you have him you drafted him like the week you wanted you got. Last week game was back. Now you see really where the Eagles offense is like actually Gonna operate with both of them. So it's I'm hoping it's not just a game a week and I'm hoping it's not just a swift week. It'd be nice to see if we see both of them Serviceable. But I mean, the Eagles pass game is good too. So there's so many weapons on this team. It really could both running backs could both have bad days too, who knows. Yeah, I don't Go ahead. Shirt I.

Speaker 3:

I don't think speed is a good thing. Go ahead shirt.

Speaker 4:

I. I don't think swift is going to get that volume like he did last week, but I think he can have a good game like what do you have? 29 carries last week.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, if he even gets 15 touches, I think we're happy about that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I just think you're staying away like in the prop market, right Like you. You can't make anything, decisions now on that type of stuff until you know for sure, like, who's in, who's out. So yeah, I don't really have obviously just playing. Your guys start your studs. Oh, we talked about it. I think this is the Baker like. I think it's. We get a bad Baker week this week, so yeah. For some reason I thought it was a filly. It's in Tampa, though, this game.

Speaker 5:

It is in Tampa. It'd be come right because how much their favorite, it is in Tampa.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I just I think we finally get like a bad Baker week. I do prefer Evans to Godwin, but I think this is the Baker lose. Look solid the last two weeks, but I mean he's played the Vikings and he's played the the Bears. Right like this is too bad, bad, bad defenses. I think I think we just get a Baker struggle, struggle, struggle game this week.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think Evans could have a good game. But yeah, like, maybe he gets a. He looks really good so far but, like you said, it's bad. It hasn't been. It's been very favorable matchups Torwards Tampa Bay. But I think you can step. Were you drafted Evans, I think you can play him absolutely. Like you probably got him wet in the sixth round or whatever. Like the draft capital on Evans is wonderful, like I, you might even have somebody better if you don't want to play him, but I think you can play him.

Speaker 5:

Stay what you will, though they still beat the Bears by 10. I mean, that is there's. They're still scoring. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I want to say one quick thing, real, real quick there. I think this game has a possibility of hitting the over, like I think, if I don't think Jordan's wrong. I think this is where we see Baker Maybe kind of not not fall apart, but maybe come back to earth a little bit more. But there's a potential that, like Baker actually does play good and the and the Eagles do give up like a decent amount of passing game. I think this game is potentially could be more high scoring than we think and it's it's closer to a shootout than what we might imagine. An interesting thing is, I think AJ Brown was. We saw how frustrated he was last we got not getting the ball. I think maybe they forced to beat AJ Brown a little bit. This game.

Speaker 4:

Oh, you're right, I agree with.

Speaker 2:

I think AJ Brown's getting a touchdown.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, just to make him feel better about life.

Speaker 2:

For sure, and I think he wants to feel like he's being a part of the team, and I think they're gonna make that happen this week still friends.

Speaker 5:

He still wants to be friends with Jaylen.

Speaker 4:

Her myth has Devontas looks so good, I'm gonna go Eagles win this one. Anyone gonna go bucks? Anyone gonna?

Speaker 5:

fire the kid, no Eagles. Right last game, phil. All right, the last game is rams verse bangles. Rams are one and one, bangles are own two. The current total right now is 43 and a half, since he is currently favored by two and a half at home, even though they are own two. What are we talking about here? What's what's of interest? Hopefully Jordan, joe and Jordan, hopefully Joe burrow can get it dialed in fired up here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I, just that's the yeah. Go ahead, trent, sorry.

Speaker 4:

No, just some notes on burrow, like they say some stuff I've been reading is he's not as mobile. For sure they think that's hurting him and they say he's not stepping into throws like he does in the past. I still think Jamar Chase can have a really good game, like Higgins had a good game last week. But that's just been what they're seeing on tape of Joe burrow. He's not making those crazy plays, extending them like he has in the past. But what were you saying, jordan?

Speaker 3:

no, I just. Obviously the burrow thing is Interesting. The line was at six and a half the start of the week and then it drastically moved to two Like a few day. I think I had Tuesday morning, maybe Tuesday morning. So it makes me that they kind of think bro is actually on the the actually questionable side of questionable.

Speaker 4:

So I think you see him after the game. He was like Olympic.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no, no. So Chase, I think you're playing chase, no matter what. Jake Browning, it doesn't really matter like. My question is what do you do with Joe burrow? Like, are you waiting as long as possible? Are you waiting till Sunday morning to make that decision? Maybe depends on if Stafford's available in your league, maybe it depends if Bakers available in your league. Or like Kenny pick it, or like I just pick it would be interesting, like I tend to like want to just wait as long as I possibly can. I have Joe burrow in a league where I have no back A quarterback on the roster, so I have to make this decision and I'm just kind of Part of me is almost like or do I just say, okay, it's Jake Browning or bust? Like I'm just gonna put him on the Joe burr on the IR and pick up Jake, jake Browning on Monday if he gets ruled out. I don't know I gotta look at who's on my waiver wire and look at my options and this tough. Thankfully I'm at Stafford, so Like the IR spot is spot is tough because if he does, if I have no one else ruled out, I don't really want to drink. You know what I'm saying, trent, like I'd rather, yeah, yeah you can't wait.

Speaker 4:

You can't put him in the IR right now.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's the tough part, and it's a Monday night game, so I think there's some like, actually, decisions that have to be made with Joe burrow, yeah, so I think it's a wait-and-see approach. I'm playing him if he, if he's good to go, mixon's. Okay. I don't really love it here. If you want to be died, yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 4:

Kyron no, if you want to be diabolical.

Speaker 2:

I would have to play yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, if you, if you want to do something diabolical, if you're playing against the guy with Joe burrow, just pick up Browning staff. If you have an IR spot, steel's, I don't know, like well.

Speaker 3:

I would. I would say I would say Stafford is the better one because, yeah, stafford's available, because that's yeah. So I'm doing if burrows not available. I'm playing Stafford, you know type thing. I'm gonna put them on. I'm going to step yeah.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, most likely you can't, I'm gonna say Rams win, I'm gonna go sincey.

Speaker 2:

Where's the game at Cincinnati? I'm gonna go bangles then.

Speaker 5:

I'm going. I'm going. Bangles figured out finally.

Speaker 4:

All right, let's we need we need scores Trent, trent.

Speaker 3:

We need a total. We need a total from I am going to go.

Speaker 4:

I'll go ahead, I'll go 39. Oh.

Speaker 3:

Wow under. Okay, Phil. What's the? Total I'm gonna go.

Speaker 5:

I'm gonna go 43, 43 and a half Seth.

Speaker 2:

Uh, let's do 45.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna go 48.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Alrighty, all right, jordan, you got an underdog draft. You want to make one of those real quick.

Speaker 3:

It's already in your. It's already in your text, trent. I'm on a schedule today.

Speaker 2:

There we go I'm.

Speaker 3:

The time is not a bother to me.

Speaker 4:

I'm glad already I am in the first, I am. I have the number one pick here. The draft is starting soon, I Think.

Speaker 5:

I have the number actually.

Speaker 2:

Phil does, it's okay I.

Speaker 5:

Think Phil, ours number one there.

Speaker 4:

Philip, all right, yeah, I guess not reading is contagious because Phil has, you know, spread that towards me. Um, okay, phil, you have 40 seconds. Be thinking about who you're going to take here with this pick guys. If you want to do something like this, go over an underdog. Promo code, dude, so match up your hundred dollars. We have a lot of fun doing this. Seth, you won last week, correct?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I won last week who won one week one?

Speaker 4:

I won week one, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I was gonna say interesting to see if for Trent had tight week three one you killed me with a debo, hey what's funny here is I can't draft.

Speaker 5:

I have 16 seconds and I'm. It says cue or draft, but I'm not getting. I'm not draft. Sorry sorry, sorry, sorry. I thought my pick was on the clock. That's what I'm thinking. It's okay.

Speaker 2:

It's okay struggling 1032 he was, he was pressing Jeff and Jeff, and so hard he's like now you can pick.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, go, phil I.

Speaker 4:

Got my pick you'd up. Oh Kill, I am surprised right there and trance and shambles.

Speaker 2:

Now it is no to do.

Speaker 4:

I don't do, I'm gonna go, justin Jefferson.

Speaker 2:

Hey, so I'm very interested either Kelsey or Pollard here, but I think Kelsey's gonna have an insane week.

Speaker 4:

We didn't talk about Pollard, but he's getting so many touches within the five, within the ten, it's eventually. He's never brought up game. Jordan's gonna go, I'm gonna go a be, john.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm going to go. It's not a bad idea, seth, I'm gonna go. Keenan Allen.

Speaker 2:

Nice man, I was gonna go. Keenan Allen, that's a bummer.

Speaker 4:

All right, what are you doing here, seth?

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna go, tony Pollard, I think that's safe, I think he's gonna get a touchdown.

Speaker 4:

I'm up here, man. I don't like this spot. I'm gonna go with digs, all right, all right. Um lamb concerns me because I just wonder if they're just gonna run the ball. Yeah so. Phil took oh, phil's up.

Speaker 2:

See, he does not have a touchdown yet.

Speaker 4:

He's got to get one soon, right feel Walker. King of Walker.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

And the homes yep, I'm gonna go with Calvin Ridley man, I was gonna go Ridley there.

Speaker 2:

bummer, I'm gonna go St Brown.

Speaker 4:

Hope he plays.

Speaker 2:

Seth, I hope so too, if I'm messed up.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna go Hawkins in here I.

Speaker 4:

That's I. Let's sneaky right there, jordan.

Speaker 3:

Jordan, I was actually I might be reaching, but I don't know if you guys are gonna get back to me. I'm going, justin Herbert, I'm full, full stacking this game and are in my in this track right here.

Speaker 2:

Interesting I.

Speaker 3:

Just didn't know if he'd get back to me. I.

Speaker 2:

Think Jordan was thinking that Mike Williams might get back to him, but he's gonna be gone right now.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm fine. I don't want to double stack in this format.

Speaker 4:

Here. I'm gonna go with the mark Andrews blow up game has to happen soon. I'm gonna go with Josh Allen.

Speaker 3:

You have digs right, trent, so I digs yeah.

Speaker 4:

I was. I was tempted to go digs or Lawrence or Allen was what I was thinking right there to stack those two. Bill went with. He came Metcalf Phil's just going all Hawks right here hot, crazy. Oh, I can't take any more running backs. Man, I'm all messed up on my phone here. I have to take a tight end here, jordan.

Speaker 3:

You have to get tied in. Yeah, you gotta take Andrews in.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I'm gonna, I'm gonna. I like the Nico Collins play here.

Speaker 4:

Okay so.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna go, chris a la va, and so how many spots we get you should, you should be limited you should.

Speaker 2:

It should tell you what you need. I.

Speaker 3:

Just have a flex so I can go anywhere.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Except for man, I think.

Speaker 3:

I think just like the CD thing is too good right here, trent.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's too much value.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's just too much value right there.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I need a quarterback and I don't know who I want, man I have. Hmm, I'm gonna go a little more. Best available quarterback.

Speaker 4:

All right, I am going with Jameer Gibbs. All right, Phil Phil is Most sure I'm projected to win Seth and we really yeah, seth is projected to take second Jordan, third by Smidge, phil. And last, looking at the whole draft, just do you want to give a quick rundown of everybody's team?

Speaker 3:

Jordan I uh, I gotta find it because I I actually like, I love, I love my draft. That's funny that I'm projected Last, cuz I love it, let's see. So you, phil's projected last. He has Mahomes, kenneth Walker, raheem Oster, tyra Kildi K Metcalf, sam Laporta. I'm projected third with Herbert Bijan, keenan Allen, crystal Lave, cd Lam Hawkinson, seth has Lamar Jackson, tony Pollard Amonra you, hopefully he plays Mike Willie and Nicole Collins, travis Kelsey and Trent has Josh Allen, jameer Gibbs, jj Stefan Davis, calvin Ridley, mark Andrews. I get why I trans projected first. Now, cool thing on this underdog if you do draft a guy who doesn't play, they give you like a. I don't know how exactly they fill it in they do give you a fill-in guy Seth.

Speaker 2:

So what it may be the next best of it. Maybe it's the next best available. Yeah and then they would just sub him in for him and just say whatever.

Speaker 3:

Company of integrity. Yes, yes.

Speaker 4:

Company of integrity. All right guys. Thank you for tuning in. We will see you on Monday with our week three recap and, as always, take air.

Speaker 1:

This has been another episode of the fantasy football dudes podcast. Remember to rate, review and follow. For more information, go to wwwthefantasyfootballdudescom and remember we are sorry for absolutely nothing.